Hikikomonthly Zine
Hikikomori live a quiet life of solitude. Many do not have jobs and are neither in education. Many turn to this lifestyle after years of abuse, leading them to not being able to function in society.

Some hikikomori will receive treatment for their situation and allow them to rejoin society. This kick often doesn't happen until a life-changing event, such as the death of a parent or a relative falls sick. Family members often take care of all funds and finances, so this acts as a wake up call. This doesn't happen for all hikikomori, and many will live like this for years on end.

Many hikikomori lack interpersonal connections. Not just because of their lifestyle, but due to a lack of social understanding caused by bullying or abuse at school.

To fill the void, anime can provide the love and connection that everyone seeks in life. These characters will never hate or mistreat you. Dating sims give an unconditional everlasting love to hikikomori who haven't received this love in their lives.

However, media like anime can distort how relationships work, as it only shows the superficial side of connecting with someone, with no emotional bonding.